Media Smart & Advertising Association double down on Political Advertising awareness campaign

Media Smart and the Advertising Association are renewing their awareness campaign ‘What’s the deal with political advertising?’ to help voters understand the ads by political parties they may see in the run up to the General Election. The campaign highlights a 10-point guide, freely available to download, which aims to improve political literacy, particularly among young people preparing to vote for the first time. A 30” video creative, designed by Pearl & Dean Productions, part of CREATE at Pearl & Dean, will appear in Pearl & Dean cinemas and on…

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Media Smart & Advertising Association Publish Political Advertising Guide

Media Smart, the advertising and media industry’s education programme, has partnered with the Advertising Association, the UK advertising industry trade body, to publish ‘What’s the deal with political advertising?’. The new 10-point guide aims to help people, especially young people preparing to vote for the first time, understand ads they may see ahead of this year’s local, mayoral, and general elections. It comes as data from UK advertising thinktank, Credos, shows 44% of people are concerned about political advertising, with people significantly less likely to trust political advertising (29%) than…

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Media Smart Supports UK Government’s National Campaign Against Fraud in Scam Awareness Drive

Media Smart is supporting the UK Government’s National Campaign Against Fraud through their scam advertising awareness campaign, as the industry steps up responsibility for helping young people understand advertising and media as part of its broader literacy programme. Research shows over a thousand children and teenagers in the UK are scammed every month.1 Media Smart’s ‘Scam flags add up to a scam’ campaign aims to help 13–18-year-olds identify possible scams and how to avoid them. It will also offer resources on how to report them on social media platforms, Action…

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Media Smart To Help Young People Understand Environmental Claims In Advertising

UK advertising’s award-winning non-profit education programme, Media Smart, has launched an awareness campaign for teachers, parents and young people to help them understand environmental claims in advertising and marketing. It is releasing a simple five-point guide and short film, accompanied by a social media campaign featuring a series of vox pop films from young people, to increase awareness of what constitutes greenwashing and support the work of the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA). The campaign by the advertising literacy programme is in response to research showing 52% of teenagers are concerned…

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Media Smart and TikTok release new educational resource

As part of a long-term collaboration, Media Smart – the non-profit organisation which educates young people about online advertising – and TikTok have produced a collection of new resources to help 13-17-year-olds understand how advertising works on the platform, as well as the best ways to keep safe. Brands can advertise their products in all kinds of new and exciting ways on TikTok, so it is vital that young people have a strong understanding of the branded messaging they’re consuming daily. Home to seemingly endless sources of creativity, connection and…

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