Ethical digital agency, Studio Republic will be running a hack day on Friday the 10th of August. The idea of a hack day is to bring together creative people, developers, designers, any kind of makers, to block out a day of time and make something from scratch, just for fun, no strings attached. Hack for Good will gather local design and technology agencies to make something worthwhile in one day.
Studio Republic are putting their own spin on the hack by introducing a theme for the day. Over the past few weeks the public have had the opportunity to choose from four options, based on creating something for social good. The poll received hundreds of votes, but the winning theme is to create something to benefit homelessness services. You can see what the other options were on their website;
Now that the theme has been decided on, the teams involved can start to think about what they might create on the day. With a range of technology available on the day the possibilities are limitless, possible solutions could be around specific homelessness donation ideas, highlighting the struggles of people who are homeless, or something entirely different.
To ensure they’ve got enough space to work they’ll be moving out of their office for the day and using some larger space offered by the University of Winchester. Students of the University will be entering a student team to take on the chosen subject for the day.
In addition to the student team, local agencies will also be taking part in Hack for Good. Members of The Bot Platform, Hinge and Rareloop, will be sending teams to design, build and create something in just one day.
Studio Republic Director Chris Todhunter told us;
“It’ll be great to get some of the local creative industry together for a day and make something for the greater good. At Studio Republic we’re all about being creative for good, so to get other agencies involved in this idea has been a goal of ours for a while now. A hack day is the perfect opportunity for this. We’re all really excited to see what we can come up with in only a few hours.
In the lead up to, and on the day itself, you’ll be able to follow Hack for Good’s progress on social media using the hashtag #Hackforgood. Studio Republic will be posting updates, videos and photos on the day as everyone tries to design and build something in one day.