These are my top 10 favourite Non-Profit, Ethical or Charity Campaigns of the previous Month. This Month – February 2018. There were some campaigns I really liked in February.
10. Who doesn’t like pangolins, and as such who wouldn’t support World Pangolin Day, I love this art and what it represents.
9. I think anything that encourages young people into science cannot be a bad thing, and this seems like a great iniative.
8. It’s great to see an iniative like this from the PRCA.
7. Much like the pangolins, I am a sucker for pingwings.
Waddles of penguins around the world join the call for an Antarctic Ocean Sanctuary
6. This was another great iniative that I think as global potential and is a really powerful message.
5. Last year’s Maltesers ad was a really powerful moment in advertising and this years winner follows on from that.
C4 to launch Lloyds Bank’s £1m Diversity in Advertising campaign
4. An important project from DentsuWebchutney, they have done some really interesting work recently and this one is tackling the Blue Whale Challenge.
DentsuWebchutney’s Project Re-Search gets adults to go beyond Blue Whale Challenge
3. A really great campaign which encourages taxi drivers to work towards creating better mental health, a really interesting campaign.
Campaign Partners With Taxi Drivers to Start Conversations About Mental Health
2. An important move by a major companty to try and work with people who share their ethics and if everyone did this companies muight start to change.
Unilever announce they will not invest in online platforms that create division
- It is so important to see the industry making moves in an ethical direction.
Global public relations associations commit to enhancing public trust through ethics