My Favourite 10 Charity/Non-Profit/Ethical Campaigns of May 2018

These are my top 10 favourite Non-Profit, Ethical or Charity Campaigns of the previous Month. This Month – May 2018. There were some campaigns I really liked in May, apologies for being a bit late with this one.

10. We’ve heard a lot about plastics over the last few months and it’s become a big topic so this seems a timely idea.

UK Plastics Pact launched by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation and WRAP

9. We live in a World where even the most civilised societies brand honest news which they don’t like as “fake” we need to make sure things are reported fairly and equitably

UNESCO And News Organizations Honor World Press Freedom Day With Global Call To Action

8. After the tragic death if Stephen Hawking earlier this year this Campaign struck a nerve when you see the effect degenerative diseases can have on people, and their ability and comfort in communicating this is something which can be done to make life easier for some.

Australian Initiative Puts An End To ‘Machine Voices’

7 Palm oil has become a huge environmental issue and this is a great start by a UK supermarket.

Iceland To Be The UK’s First Major Supermarket To Remove Palm Oil From Own Label Food

6. Powerful campaign, made ore powerful by the use of children’s imagery.

VML launch provocative “Lessons From My Neighborhood” Campaign

5. Great use of technology to highlight corruption.

ReclameAQUI launches app that uses facial recognition to detect politicians involved in corruption scandals

4. I love the visuals tied into this, very powerful campaign utilising some amazing visuals.

McCann Health re-imagines Fabergé eggs as human organs to highlight the value of organ donations in campaign for Moinhos de Vento Hospital

3. Not just one I liked but a Gold Lion Cannes Winner. Somwthing that should never be needed but whilst it is it’s no bad thing it exists.

Monash University and Y&R Melbourne launch Sip Safe

2. Equal Pay Day was April but I didn’t report on this one until May but it was one I really liked, a good use of imagery and the facts prsented in a way everyone can understand.

22squared Partners with National Organization for Women to Mark Equal Pay Day on April 10 and Help Close the Gender Wage Gap by Purchasing EqualiTees, T-Shirts Available in 2119

1. Given the way things have gone even since this ad Campaign was conceived, this seems to me to be a hugely important Campaign. We covered on the initial trial of this campaign in last months top 10, this is the national launch and it seems more pertinent now.

ACLU Launches Six-Figure Ad Campaign to Educate Immigrant Communities on Their Rights When Dealing with ICE


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