Coca-Cola Australia Show support for Equal Marriage

Coca-Cola Australia has come out in support of same-sex marriage ahead of Australia’s historic vote on equal marriage.  The company has started a number of initiative to showcase their support including launching hundreds of thousands of Coke cans with the famous Coca-Cola script changed to the word ‘love’ and with a rainbow heart in the ‘o’ of love. As well as creating the ‘Love’ cans, as they are known the drinks manufacxturer has also made a statement on their website stating: “Coca-Cola believes in the power of bringing people together.…

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Coca-Cola creates first ever advert made out of 100% recyclable packaging

Coca-Cola Great Britain has created its first ever ad made entirely out of its 100% recyclable packaging. Love Story, created by Ogilvy and Mather Berlin, tells the story of two bottles who fall in love as they meet over and over again after being disposed of properly and recycled into new bottles. The ad aims to encourage more people to recycle and highlights how plastic bottles can be reused to produce more plastic bottles. The ad has recycling at its heart as the entire set was made entirely out of…

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Coca Cola aim for inclusion with new ad

coca cola

Soft drinks maker Coca-Cola Co have launched a gay-friendly ad for their “Taste the Feeling” campaign which has won praise for diversity and inclusion. On a hot summer day, a brother and sister scramble to win the affection of the family “pool boy” by grabbing an ice-cold Coca-Cola from the fridge and racing outside. But, to their surprise, mom gets there first. “For fans who enjoyed ‘Brotherly Love’ last year, this brings a different take on sibling rivalries,” Rodolfo Echeverria, Coke’s VP of global creative and connections said. “We wanted to position…

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