Nescafé Gold Blend launches fully recyclable paper refill pack

Nescafé is introducing the first paper refill pack for Nescafé Gold Blend that can be easily recycled through kerbside collection. This innovative paper refill pack reduces packaging weight by a remarkable 97 percent compared to the traditional 200g glass coffee jars. Designed with convenience in mind, the paper packs can be used to refill the glass jar and give it a longer life, all whilst providing the same great taste and iconic rich aroma that Nescafé fans know and love. Once the refill pack is empty, it can be easily…

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CAP – Recycled reminders for Recycle Week 2023

The ASA/CAP have released a post called: Recycled reminders for Recycle Week 2023. I have enclosed the text of the link below, but please have a look at the ASA/CAP site as there are lots of things of interest to anyone with an interest in Ethical Marketing. In October Recycle Week 2023 and this year the focus is ‘missed capture’ – items that can be recycled but tend to be missed in the home. Climate change and the environment remain high on the ASA and CAP’s agenda, and you can expect…

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Mars Wrigley pilots recyclable paper-wrapped Mars® bar in UK

In a UK-first, Mars, Incorporated is presenting its iconic Mars bar in the UK in paper packaging as part of a new pilot test to explore different packaging options.  Mars will produce the Mars bars wrapped in recyclable paper packaging that will be available for a limited time at Tesco stores.   After extensive development work and investments, the trial will achieve a significant reduction in plastic on the physical Mars bar – a significant step in its journey to innovate toward its packaging commitments.  Following the trial, Mars will use…

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Tesco engages suppliers to accelerate plans to tackle plastic waste

Tesco is bringing together suppliers at a sustainability event to discuss new ways to eliminate even more plastic waste where it matters most. As a part of Tesco’s 4Rs packaging strategy – Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – suppliers will be asked to accelerate progress and to go further and faster in removing plastic where alternatives are possible. The retailer will apply a particular focus to areas that can make the greatest difference at scale, as well as tackling packaging which is most at risk of ending up in the natural…

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Vattenfall commits to landfill ban and to recycle all wind turbine blades by 2030

Vattenfall has set ambitious targets in how to deal with wind turbine blades at end of life. An immediate commitment to a landfill ban on decommissioned wind turbine blades has been made. The next decade there will be an intense work increasing the recycling rate of wind blade components. Vattenfall’s ambition is to enable a fossil-free living within one generation and one important element to deliver on this is a significant growth in wind energy. To ensure this is done in a sustainable way, Vattenfall has a high focus on reducing environmental impacts…

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