Thanks to everyone who has contributed, read or tweeted about us over our first 6 months.
When I started this site 6 months ago, I didn’t really know too much what to expect, but it has become so much more. For those who don’t know the background to this site is that whilst setting up my own company SM Marketing, which I wanted to be an Ethical Marketing company, I started to look for Ethical Marketing resources to see if I could get some ideas, and I couldn’t find any.
I decided to put together a site where I could highlight news stories on ethical campaigns or campaigns on ethical products, with that Ethical Marketing News was born. When I first started the site I only really envisioned posting once or twice a week and assumed it would maybe be of interest to 20-30 people, I now find myself posting a minimum of once a day, often twice a day and the site gets between 300 and 600 unique visitors a day, a figure that goes up between 5 and 10% every month.
I have really enjoyed starting and running this site and have a lot of plans for the future as well as some great articles including an interview with one of the top Marketing Agencies in the World with their thoughts on Ethical Marketing and how it is important to them. I also have a few guest blogs coming up, including one from the Marketing Director of a multimillion pound company on her thoughts on diversity in the industry, all of these should come up over the next few months.
This has been a great learning experience, and I have learned a lot about the sides to the industry I was never previously involved in. It’s been great to get a handle on such a fast growing part of the industry and to be part of this new wave of ideas within the industry.
One of the things that has given me a lot of satisfaction is working alongside people like Ethical Hour and Ethical Revolution to showcase what they all do and how important all of this is. One of the most surprising things for me is how people have started asking me for my opinion on Ethical Marketing matters and it’s nice to be able to give out some advice on the industry and market as I see it.
Over the next few months we will hopefully see some new sides to Ethical Marketing News where I hope to be able to put much more up and hopefully make this a faster moving site.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to look at this site whenever you can, it really makes a difference and who knows maybe in 6 months time we can be up at 1000 visitors a day or even more, thanks again for your help in getting this far.