New PSA campaign from the Ad Council and NHTSA Highlights the Dangers of Buzzed Driving

The Ad Council and U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) announced the launch of a new PSA campaign raising awareness about the dangers of buzzed driving, focused on reaching young men between the ages of 21 and 34. The new PSAs, produced in collaboration with independent creative agency Curiosity, is part of the Ad Council and NHTSA’s long-running campaign that has been working to prevent alcohol-impaired driving since 1983. Despite decades of progress educating the public about buzzed driving, there is still work to be done.…

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Cargill and Nestlé Purina partner on regenerative agriculture adoption to reduce the carbon footprint of Purina dry pet food products

Nestlé Purina is investing in farmer adoption of regenerative agriculture practices across the company’s corn and soy supply chains through a new partnership with Cargill, one of the largest ingredient and agricultural solutions companies in the U.S. This work will support soil health and reduce the carbon footprint for Purina dry pet food products across North America, contributing to a more sustainable future for people and their pets.  The partnership is expected to support the adoption of regenerative agriculture practices across more than 200,000 acres of corn and soy farmland…

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The latest Effie UK & Ipsos analysis reveals that quality, independence and enrichment lie at the heart of aspiration today

According to the new report, Evolving Aspirations: Navigating Status, what people find aspirational today is quality over flaunted wealth and seeing themselves as the keepers and drivers of their success.  The latest volume of the Ipsos and Effie Dynamic Effectiveness series finds that in today’s world of ‘quiet luxury’, audiences prize not only acquiring enough wealth to live a secure and stable life, but also the freedom to enjoy it. It unpicks what this shift in how we perceive success means for marketers, and explains how to communicate and reflect…

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First of its kind Beatles book brings the band’s story to life for people with dementia

A new book about The Beatles, which has been designed specifically with, and for, people with dementia, has been released with the accompanying audio voiced by actor Bill Nighy. Solving barriers people with dementia face The founder of Cognitive Books, 49-year-old father-of-two and gerontologist, Matt Singleton, had the idea for a book series when he noticed his father, Brian, who was diagnosed with dementia in 2017, was losing his passion for reading as his cognitive abilities declined. The first book in the series, looking back at…The Beatles, takes the reader…

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World Bank Group Aims to Expand Health Services to 1.5 Billion People

The World Bank Group has announced an ambitious plan to support countries in delivering quality, affordable health services to 1.5 billion people by 2030. This is part of a larger global effort to provide a basic standard of care through every stage of a person’s life—infancy, childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. For decades, the World Bank Group has helped provide health services for women and children in more than 100 countries. A focused effort to become faster, work better with partners, and bring in the private sector has enabled the 80-year-old…

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