It’s been another interesting week for Ethical Marketing News, we have our first interview for a while with Mark Hughes of Space City Productions telling us their thoughts on ethical marketing. It’s nice to have a new interview, I had meant to have more interviews but for a variety of reasons haven’t done so yet. We do have some interesting ones coming up hopefully including one with Saatchi & Saatchi and their thoughts on ethical marketing, and one with Internet group Don’t Fund Hate and the ethical placement of ads.
Sadly we didn’t get any celebrities retweeting as last week, but this week I want to talk a little about one of my favourite marketing ploys I have seen recently.
This is about the Pet Alliance of Greater Orlando and how they have taken to sorting their dogs into Pawgwarts houses. This is a great ploy, a really nice piece of marketing, if you feel you’ve always been a spiritual Slytherin or historically a Hufflepuff then what better idea then to look at pet that fits into your hogwarts house.
It’s been a good week for reporting on pet adoptions with Pedigree working with BBDO New York, and AllPaws to launch a new campaign to encourage adoption of dogs. The campaign utilises AR technology. The AR technology allows Facebook users to choose from multiple breeds of dogs to layer onto their selfie, then displays a real adoptable dog of a similar breed nearby, the technology utilises AllPaws, an online resource that matches pet parents with a dog at a local shelter.
Another interesting thing this week with the announcement of the Global Alliance for Public Relations and Communication Management have put out a statement, on the idea of a new global code of ethics as there have been more and more calls for ethical behaviour within the industry.Part of the statement saying: “The Global Alliance is ready to lead and be part of the conversation. It is our hope and wish that we can come together to update codes to a new global standard upheld by a broad coalition of public relations associations. ”