Seventy-seven percent (77%) of 16-24 year olds would do something, such as bungee jump or shave their head, to raise money for a good cause. Skydiving was the most popular amongst the age group with 32% saying they would engage in the activity whilst among 25-34 year olds the figure was 25%. Seven percent (7%) of over 65s would jump out of a plane for charity. Head shaving was another daring choice for 16-24 year olds with 13% saying they would be sheared for charity. The figure was the same for…
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Getting the stories for EMN – Ethical Marketing News Blog – 05/08/17
I’ve had a few emails asking about how we put together the stories for Ethical Marketing News. The site has been running for coming up for 6 months now and the feedback has been great so far. Thank you so much for everyone that helps in that, to the people who send me stories, and to the people who answer my requests for press releases and more quotes and pictures. Probably the most difficult thing I’ve found is sourcing new stories and trying to get articles and stories for the…
Read MoreSix ways you can make your marketing more ethical
Marketing doesn’t always have the best reputation – and in the past that’s often been well deserved – but here’s a short list of six things you can do to help make your company and marketing strategies more ethical. Be honest Probably the main thing within ethical marketing is to be honest – it seems like such an obvious thing to say but marketing has not always had a great reputation for telling the truth. It’s important to concentrate on the positives rather than exaggerate or lie. Whole campaigns, even…
Read MoreCould The Breath be the future in billboard advertising?
“The Breath” was created by a team of leading Italian researchers and has been rolled out across several European cities, including Rome and Milan, over the last three years. It is a ground-breaking material hailed by medical experts for its ability to absorb harmful airborne molecules and disperse cleaner air. The material can be used for both indoor and outdoor purposes, including for office workstations, classrooms and public advertising spaces. The Breath’s Italian inventors claim that once the material is installed it can absorb high concentrations of air pollution within…
Read MoreHow to Market Your Brand Ethically From a Graphic Designers View
We are pleased to present this article on “How to Market Your Brand Ethically From a Graphic Designers View” by One Line – Ethical Graphic Design: When I first thought about writing this article, I thought the answer was very simple. Be honest. Doesn’t make for a great article but if you’ve only got 30 seconds to spare then, spoiler alert, that is still my conclusion. Running a business I don’t have a huge amount of spare time on my hands but when I do, the area of ethics in…
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