To be a women and never getting harassed in the street is almost a miracle. During those past few years, the floor of speech has opened revealing the reality of sexist remarks or sexual assaults in the public space. 86% of women say they have been victims of street harassment (IFOP, 2018). In front of agression, support actions are carried out for the victims. Still, too frequently those women assaulted or harassed are held responsible for what happens to them. The debate about the look arises and often ends…
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HandsAway and TBWA\Paris create geolocated Snapchat filters dedicated to street harassment.
Violent behaviours experienced by women and their insidious components of insults and aggressions of all kinds, are a real scourge. Countless studies show that almost 100% of women have already been victim or witnesses of a sexist assault. On the occasion of International Women’s Day, HandsAway presents #GhostInjuries. A Snapchat operation to federate and conscientise young women on a subject they know and experience every single day : street harassment. To demonstrate the shocking extent of the phenomenon, HandsAway in close collaboration with Snapchat created for each reported aggression, street…
Read MoreHandsAway gives voice to women against the trivialization of gender-based attacks. (NSFW)
In a current athmosphere where sexist and sexual assaults are massively denounced by more and more women (#MeToo), French start-up HandsAway pursues the struggle started 18 months ago by releasing a video to make its voice heard against sexual harassment. Gender-based street harassment, sexually explicit content, sexist remarks, stalking, flashing and assault has become pretty familiar in our streets. This video gives voice to women who describe in their words the ordinary violence of daily life. We can hear echo of their voices while the images speak from themselves… …
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