Violent behaviours experienced by women and their insidious components of insults and aggressions of all kinds, are a real scourge.
Countless studies show that almost 100% of women have already been victim or witnesses of a sexist assault.
On the occasion of International Women’s Day, HandsAway presents #GhostInjuries.
A Snapchat operation to federate and conscientise young women on a subject they know and experience every single day : street harassment.
To demonstrate the shocking extent of the phenomenon, HandsAway in close collaboration with Snapchat created for each reported aggression, street cat-call, insult, attack, a unique geofilter at the precise location where it occurred, exposing each user of the application to the invisible side of the places they are photographing.
To keep in mind more than ever that it has to never happen again, the filters encourage users to report those abusive behaviors by becoming a Street Angel.
Thanks to a system of geolocation, the application makes it possible to alert the other “Street Angels” in case of danger, by describing the sexist aggression, whether you are a victim or a witness.
The campaign is designed by TBWA/Paris.