The Sun launch Saffie’s Smile Awards

The Sun has launched Saffie’s Smile, in collaboration with the family of little Saffie-Rose Roussos – the youngest victim of the Manchester Arena terror attack. The competition will honour Saffie’s memory, and celebrate other incredible young people aged 16 or under who go above and beyond to help others. Our star winner will scoop two flights for a break in New York, while three runners-up will each get VIP theme park passes. Andrew and Lisa revealed they cherished the chance to launch the prize so Saffie will be remembered for more than just the Manchester…

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Blackmail or Brand safety ?

At the end of November retailer Paperchase stopped a promotion that they were running with British tabloid the Daily Mail.  They did this after there was a backlash on social media from  customers over the brand working with the Daily Mail. This action was highlighted by UK activism group Stop Funding Hate. Since this hit the headlines there has been a clutch of people stating what they think, including quite a few people from within the marketing industry. The line from a lot within the industry seems to be that…

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Counter Terrorism Police launch first ever campaign aimed at children and teenagers

Counter Terrorism Police have launched their first ever safety campaign which they believe will teach 11-16 year olds how to react in the unlikely event they are caught in a gun or knife terror attack, including being told NOT to stop and use their phones until they are safely away from danger. Counter Terrorism Policing have enlisted the support of celebrities from entertainment and sport to launch their first-ever safety campaign aimed at children and teenagers. TV star Bear Grylls and England footballer Jamie Vardy are among the leading stars…

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